Send WhatsApp Messages Without Internet Connection

The Offline Messages feature in WhatsApp that allows you to send WhatsApp Messages Without Internet Connection can be useful in the following cases.

  1. You are in the middle of a WhatsApp Chat and your internet connection gets cut off or disrupted due to some reason. Instead of abruptly ending the Chat, you can complete the Message and inform your Contact about problems with internet connectivity in your area.
  2. In case you are passing through a place with no Cellular or WiFi Network, you will be able to type a WhatsApp Message and hit the send button on your Phone. The offline Message will be automatically delivered to your Contact, as soon as your Phone gets connected to WiFi or Cellular Network, depending on whether or not you have allowed WhatsApp to use Cellular data on your Phone.

Here is How Offline Messages Work in WhatsApp

Whenever the internet connection is disrupted during a WhatsApp Chat, you can continue typing your Message and hit the send button after completing your Message. When you hit the send button while you are offline, the Message does not actually leave your Phone, the WhatsApp Message stays on your Phone and gets automatically delivered to your Contact, whenever your Phone gets connected to the internet. As you can imagine, the advantage of this feature in WhatsApp is that you can actually complete your Message even if the internet connection is cut off and you do not have to resend the Message again.

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